OB/GYN Dr. Paul Gehring Specializes in Robotic Cerclage
Tulsa OB/GYN one of few robotic cerclage specialists in the nation

Experience, knowledge, and compassion are not all that set Dr. Paul Gehring and the team at OB/GYN Specialists of Tulsa apart from other obstetrical practices. Along with his 25 years as an OB/GYN, Dr. Gehring is one of the few physicians in this part of the country who can perform robotic cerclage, a procedure proven highly effective in helping patients suffering from incompetent cervix deliver healthy babies.
“These patients are typically emotionally traumatized and often feel hopeless,” Dr. Gerhing said, adding that many of them have lost two or more babies in the middle of their pregnancies. “Restoring these patients’ hope and, ultimately, handing them their term, healthy baby is probably the most rewarding, humbling thing I do.”
He and four other doctors at OB/GYN Specialists of Tulsa — one of whom is his wife, Dr. Gena Gray — practice at St. John Medical Center. He completed his residency at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, one of the largest programs in the country. With an aptitude for surgery, he trained an extra year in the more complicated procedures, including microsurgical, advanced laparoscopic, pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, severe endometriosis, severe pelvic adhesions, infertility, and robotic abdominal cerclage.
“Gynecology has many surgeries that are improved with the robot,” Dr. Gehring said. “The robot is more precise and allows more complicated surgeries to be performed with small incisions often changing the surgery from a several day hospital stay and long recovery to an outpatient procedure. This often allows patients to return to work and life activities much more quickly.”
“I think pregnancy and childbirth should, ideally, be a fun, exciting, life-changing experience.”
Getting patients back to independence quickly helps everyone involved, from the patient to the baby to the patient’s family and workplace. More important, patients have a positive, healthy experience during what is the most momentous occasion of their lives.
“The dreams, fears, and expectations can be a roller coaster ride,” Dr. Gehring said of pregnancy and delivery. “I think it’s important to recognize this to give them a great experience.”
New technologies and the addition of robotic surgery options have made child birth much safer for mother and baby.
“I think pregnancy and childbirth should, ideally, be a fun, exciting, life-changing experience,” Dr. Gehring said. “I keep track of all the medical issues so they can have fun with the experience. However, if something is not going routinely, I am ready to aggressively look for a solution. I am always trying to keep the woman and her baby safe while letting her have fun with the experience.”
The entire team at OB/GYN Specialists of Tulsa and St. John Medical Center is supportive and available for whatever patients need, Dr. Gehring said.
“Pregnancy is a unique experience in a young woman’s life,” he continued. “There are no other health issues in which a young person sees the doctor 13 times or more in seven months that typically ends in one of the most joyous occasions of her life.”
OB/GYN Specialists of Tulsa is located at 1919 S. Wheeling Ave., Suite 700, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Schedule appointments by calling (918) 712-8700 or visiting the website at ogstulsa.com. Also online, information on insurance accepted and more about the doctors.
CONTACT OB/GYN Specialists of Tulsa
Office Location:
1919 S. Wheeling Ave., Suite 700,
Tulsa, Oklahoma